Interesting Blog 1: Pleasure and Pain

Take a look at Pleasure and Pain by Whitney Hess at

Whitney Hess a freelance user experience designer based in New York and has worked for several notable companies/products such as American Express, New York Times, Allstate, Claritin, Tropicana, Boxee, and more. Pleasure and Pain is her personal UX blog that includes examples of good and bad experiences on the Web and real world. She also has a list of other UX websites that she has many written articles for in the past.

I think this is a great reference because it is from an informal perspective of someone in the UX industry. Her posts are fun and easy to follow and provide interesting yet valuable information. For example, she has a post about the UX Design Process for the Boxee Beta that has information on usability testing, personas, and even interview questions that should prove beneficial.

2 thoughts on “Interesting Blog 1: Pleasure and Pain

  1. Geovon says:

    Great find, Laura. Hess’s step-by-step analysis of her work (e.g., the Boxee project) is a valuable resources for budding designers.

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